Thinking Pink

The month of October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. One in eight women in the Unite States is diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Virtually everyone has been affected by this disease. Our Grandmother and Aunt both had Breast Cancer and we eventually lost both of those amazing women to cancer. Recently, our doctor recommended we get tested for the BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations. These mutations are linked to a high risk of Breast, Ovarian, and other cancers. Since two women on our Dad's side of our family had gotten Breast Cancer, our Dad got tested first. He came out positive meaning we had a 50/50 chance of carrying the same gene mutations as well. We took the test as well and both came out positive for BRCA2. We have a 45% chance of having Breast Cancer and 17% chance of having Ovarian Cancer. Luckily, since testing positive, we are able to seek genetic counseling to understand our risk and what we can do to stay on top of it. Knowledge is power and we are glad we found out and we can support each other.

We recommend all women to visit This site is super informative, upbeat, and! You can find out your Breast and Ovarian cancer risk with their risk assessment here. You can also find info on how to donate, peer-to-peer counseling, and so much more.

This month, we won these adorable hand stamped pink ribbon necklaces from Mignon Mignon. We picked the rose gold to represent the pink ribbon for breast cancer. We love them so much and have been wearing them almost everyday since we received them! Mignon Mignon also does personalized initials, zodiac signs, coordinates and more! Did we mention that they are all super affordable? We think these would make perfect gifts for anyone and any occasion. We know where we're doing our christmas shopping this year!

xxx Ivy & Eve